The old showbiz adage was as true as ever for me on our return to The Full Moon. My Wha-wha foot (my right one) and fretting-support thumb (left one) were both painfully injured though incidents too embarrassing to go into here. During setting up I then set my thumb back further while passing a cable under the snare stand. Ouch! It could be a lot worse really and one day no doubt will be, but if I can sit, or even only lie down, as long as I can physically spank the plank and make some sort of acceptable noise from my mouth, I'll be there! On top of all this I then had a few hiccups somewhere along the line with the signal through the pedal-board set up plus my strap disconnected at the start of "The Owl and The Willow". Thankfully my bandee-mates played solidly throughout all this and saved the day, as did a sweet audience ;)

Bad Hair Days followed with a storming set. Go Robot! (Their fans will understand). On the right are some of my effects pedals. I quite often get asked about these so I might well do a post about them some time, I've added a few more since I took this photo (it can be an addiction).