Monday, July 29, 2024

Garden Treats

28th July 2024 

Being so lucky to be in this thing called "music" gives us not so much at all in the way of money or other material things, but so much in the way of times that feel so special, one way or another.. Well today and tonight surpassed even that.

So much of modern music, especially those derivatives of rock, blues, metal, country, indie and so on and all the sub-genres derive from that so-evolutionary time of the 1960s. Today we were part of this event for which the highlight wasn't just derived from that time, but was a fundamental part of that time, because today we were one of many acts brought in by the wonderfully kind Martin & Elaine who fed and watered us all day as well as giving us the incredible treat of mixing with and watching the main booking, the legendary Barry Melton and full band. These folk aren't a derivative, they were there, they did it, they are the source, they are the real thing.

What a privilege - thank you!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Big Night in Smallwood

 19th July 2024

We were all set to do our bit for a special fundraiser gig for Saint Luke's Hospice, Cheshire on a gorgeous summer night. Em came to pick me up with plenty of time in hand in Vincent (the van) which then broke down I think due to a lack of diesel and a miss-calculation considering Vincent's fuel gauge doesn't work. Simon came to the rescue with two cans of juice and a jump start but we were an hour late by the time we got there, missed our soundcheck slot and only had time for a line-check.

Other than that, all went well and we had a fun time. Lots of solo and small group performances courtesy of vocal coach Katie Hackney and her graduates plus our good friend Dayve Dean and dance music in between all the artists.


Photo by Stewart Green 

Photo by Dayve Dean 

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Granary Grammar


I was delighted to be asked to perform a song as part of my good friend and award winning poet Helen Kay's book launch night. The poetry collection & the night itself were dedicated to Helen's much loved Aunty Phyllis who would've been a hundred and four tomorrow (she had made her 103rd birthday and lived a wonderful life).
Helen overshadowed by Nigella as usual.