Sunday, January 13, 2019

Ahead of the Set.

Friday, 11th January, 2019

Well, this was a most unusual one from my point of view, really taking the role of a sort of 'play out' artist following an inspiring talk by the North West MEP, Julie Ward. A really interesting talk and Q and A in these incredibly tumultuous political times. 

Technically, there was a somewhat unexpected problem of wearing a Madonna-style headset mic (though not the cone-bra to go with it). I had checked out the venue PA system in a technical meeting earlier in the week and knew that a headset mic was the way we were going with this, however, it wasn't until the actual performance and having to deal with the dynamics in the vocal performance (ie the 'louder and quieter' bits where I would normally move further away from the mic where singing really loudly and so on) where I suddenly had to improvise singing some really high notes that I normally belt out loudly to get them out there, only having to do them relatively quietly.. not easy!

Julie Ward, MEP

Earlier in the week...

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