Friday, May 15, 2009

Bank Holiday gigs

Here are the reverse order (top to bottom) from The Waldron and Bar 22 as part of the volume festival and at Nakatchas, Nantwich. Emma Burgess from the new band is on the Keyboards.

Thanks to Hayley for the top 2 pics and Jules from the Crewe Blog for the middle one. Cheers everyone who came too!

A big weekend of gigs coming up in the Crewe & Nantwich area starting with Nakatchas nightclub on Friday night and continuing through the Volume festival performances in Crewe.
Emma Burgess from the new band will be joining me on keyboards with a possibility of Simon Taylor on Bass for the Monday gig if he is back from France in time.
Anyway here’s the schedule…

Friday May 22nd – Nakatchas, Nantwich 9pm

Saturday May 23rd – Bar 22, 2.30pm

Monday May 25th - The Waldron, Crewe, 4pm

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Facebooksters take note....

An event, or really two events, namely my two appearances at this year's CreweLive09 Volume Festival, a festival with a focus on original, upandcoming artists, should be cool!